Our Partners

The Skills Centre has been actively working to strengthen our community and build capacity in the Lower Columbia region since 1997. We have been able to do this work for this long because of the generous support and collaboration of a great number of individuals and organizations locally, regionally, provincially, and nationally.

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Meet some of the people we work with to offer you the best possible programs.


“Knowing my job application skills were rusty and needed to be fine-tuned, I joined the Mature Workers program. As well as providing some guidance in updating skills, the staff has assisted in financial support for further courses and partnering with other community agencies. Many thanks to the staff of the Skills Centre.”

Mature Workers Participant
team section

We are proud to have your support

We gratefully acknowledge our major funders at the federal and provincial level, grants and contributions at the regional and local government level, the collaborative work of our contracting partners, as well as the tireless efforts of numerous independent contractors and contributors.

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