Have you recently retired and are now looking for a way to connect with people or put your skills to use? Have you thought about a part time job?
Notice how we don’t see those Freedom 55 ads anymore? That’s because the majority of Canadians between the ages of 55 and 64 are still actively working. Only one fifth of Canadians in that age group are fully retired. Are you retired or semi-retired or thinking about how you can make retirement work for you?
Are you considering looking for a post-retirement job? Perhaps part time or a different type of job than you held through your career? What can post-retirement work look like, and who needs it?
These are the important questions we help you answer with our Mature Workers program.
Baby boomer retirements continue to place pressure on an already reduced labour supply. This is a problem, and it can be an opportunity. The 55+ worker has a lot to offer employers. You bring skills, experience and knowledge that are transferable, meaning maybe you’re looking for a different type of job, yet your experience and knowledge are suitable for a wide variety of roles.
A multi-generational workplace is a good thing. Different people at different stages of their careers bring different skill sets, motivations, experiences and ideas.
If you are a mature worker looking to re-enter the workforce and find a new job, here are a few of the many benefits of working after retirement:
- It can be an opportunity to try something new
- You continue to be part of a social group through a job
- You are able to top up your income
- You can contribute your knowledge and expertise in the workplace
- It can give you a sense of purpose
- You may have an opportunity to enhance your skills or learn new skills
- It can be a chance to stay active and maintain your confidence
If you are a mature worker who has recently retired and would like to explore options to re-enter the workforce, whether you are returning for social or financial gain or any other reason, we offer support to get you there.
The Skills Centre’s Mature Workers program offers support in looking for work, finding a job match, applying for jobs, connecting with employers, and helping you improve your resume and interview skills. We also help you develop your skills and get the training to start working again.
You are not alone in the process of finding work past 55. Contact us today to find out more about how we can help you.
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