The 4 day work week keeps finding its way into the news, so there must be something to it, right? If you follow the Skills Centre, you probably already know that we’ve had a 4 day work week since 2019.
We’ve written about the success we’ve had with the 4 day work week before, however, it’s worth repeating that we’ve seen increased productivity and a decrease in staff absenteeism. The benefits far outweigh the limitations.
Some of our suppliers and partners have asked us how we implemented the 4 day work week. They’re considering it as an innovation for their workplace and as a possible way to attract new employees. Some of these businesses have tried their own variations, such as a 4.5 day week in summer (half day Fridays). We applaud them for giving it a try. Creativity and flexibility are the keys to making the 4 day week work.
We’ve also had people dismiss the idea immediately. They tell us it might work for an office that’s only open Monday to Friday, but a business that is open 7 days a week can’t do it. That’s where creativity and flexibility come in. As one of the CBC stories notes, one company reported a 25% drop in sick days and personal days taken and a 15% reduction in administrative tasks, stating that their company has never been more efficient.
Shift work has been around for a long time—the old 4 on, 3 off idea—in different variations in many industries, so making a 4 day work week the gold standard should be possible. Businesses and organizations that have tried it indicate it is easier to attract and retain employees, a hot topic these days.
The 4 Day Week Global report shares that 95% of employees in their study, and 100% of the companies, want to stay with the 4 day work week.
The 4 day work week is just one of many ways that our workplaces are evolving. Employers and employees are focusing more on mental health, work/life balance, employee retention, and a just transition to a sustainable economy.
How is your workplace adapting? Will you try a 4 day work week?
Here are 4 other media stories about the 4 day work week to inspire you: